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Integrating Futures tracking in our Tool

Written by
Tomás Oliveira

Quotation dates are empirical when comparing PPA offers.

1 min
31st Jan, 2023


Electricity prices evolve dynamically through time leading to constant changes in the pricing of PPA offers. As a result, it is difficult to compare PPA offers on a linear level, that differ in terms of quotation dates.

To solve this, Synertics integrated into its PPA Evaluation Tool a Futures tracking function, that continuously compares the Futures prices of the quotation date to today's Futures prices.

Futures are a good indicator of the movement of PPA prices, as PPA offers can consequently be evaluated much more transparently and systematically.


Futures price evolution feature of the Tool


About Synertics

Synertics provides advisory services and develops digital data-driven solutions for the energy industry with the purpose of driving productivity and transferring knowledge.

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About Synertics
Synertics provides advisory services and develops digital data-driven solutions for the energy industry with the purpose of driving productivity and transferring knowledge.
PPA Origination, Structuring and Pricing